Thursday, May 8, 2008

April 28th and another phenomenal group of youth who went rappelling, and who were brave enough to create a code for their behavior. This extraordinary group started out on a normal rappel, and then moved on to do some "aussie" style rappelling. Great times, great youth, great pics, in sum a great time for everyone. Here are some examples of the CODEs that were created: Rock solid; ever-going; I will be me and no one else; I will be know by my values and principles; chill; courageous; I can do it attitude; loving; forgiving; exciting; pain is temporary-glory is forever; adventurous, and excellence. Everyone took the oath and kept having fun. See you next time at the Rock!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Rapping with Club Rock

On April 12th, we gathered up some outstanding young people to do an outstanding event. The purpose of the event was to have each youth develop a CODE for their life, their behavior, their attitude. The responses were amazing: Growth; enjoyment; self worth; honor; energetic; mastery; fun; love; dreams; loyal; confidence; no fear... They rappelled a 65' foot wall going backward, and then for a little more excitement, they went forward too. They came in complete strangers and left a group of good friends with a solid CODE OF HONOR! The next event is on the 26th. See you at The Rock!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Climbing with At The Crossroads

You can't beat the experience of climbing! This outstanding group of young adults, sacrificed some of their personal time to climb some rocks and determine what they're made of. Andy, Duker, Sunjay, Mike, Evan, Kyle, Ryan and Iuri spend an amazing time at Crawdad Canyon challenging themselves physically, psychologically and emotionally. As was expected, everyone exceeded the expectations that were set. In addition to climbing, the group set out to define their "CODE." They were challenged to describe in 3 to 4 words what they wanted to stand for and represent. In addition to writting it down, they were then asked to stated in front of the other youth and ask them for help living it. Result: Meaningful Fun! Till the next the time at The Rock!!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Rapping with the Gerbe Family

Epic event with the Gerbe family who came to us from Massachusetts. Tom, Pat and Evan showed up and obliterated any phobias or fear of heights that previously existed, and conquered some 55' foot rappels and a 5.7 climb with street shoes!! Normal rappelling wasn't enough, so they decided to try their hand at "Aussie" style rappelling. The experience was filled with smiles, cheers and hugs. It was an extraordinary atmosphere that was created by a group of extraordinary people. It becomes clearer to me every time, that when people are raised, or work in such an environment, mistakes become opportunities instead of failures. I hope that this experience stays written in your hearts and minds as a successful event that can be reproduced in real life, and in real circumstances. When you anchor in to The Rock, you cannot fail! See you next time... at The Rock.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

At The Crossroads Experience

At The Crossroads, is an extraordinary program for young adults who are struggling with the prospect of exiting adolescence and moving successfully into adulthood. Their purpose is to assist them with resources, education, planning, life skills, and a tremendous amount of support. Their caring and inspiring team is a model to us all. The Rock - Experiences serves this organization by providing unbelievable family retreats, and exciting adventures for the young adults in the program. Here's what they have to say about us: These Parent weekend experiences have a tremendous impact on the youth and their parents. Both leave here with a renewed hope, and a sense that they can communicate, trust, support, and change the outcome of any situation... Powerful and inspirational. -- Brian Virgin

Monday, February 11, 2008

The Rock meets SOS Staffing 1-08

SOS Staffing approached The Rock - Experiences, to finish out a two day training marathon. They thought they were getting a greased pig, but instead they found themselves at the edge of 70' foot cliffs, where they learned the beauty of trust, how to communicate effectively, and how to challenge their pre-conceived notions of what they could and couldn't do. The result was an unforgettable experience where bonds were deepened, and souls united. Here's what they said about the experience:

-"This activity was a 10... It had an impact on my life"---Darren
-"In watching the others conquer their own fears, I couldn't help but feel lucky to be part of such a courageous group. Seeing Pat climb the hill with her boot on; seeing Dixie push herself over the edge through absolute terror; seeing Chrissi close her eyes and go; It was all inspiring... Seeing my friends and coworkers all succeed, truly inspired me."---Dave
-"It was Awesome... a 10! for so many reasons, but primarily that I learned a lot about myself. I will have no doubt that it has made my relationship with them even better."---Dixie
-"I will always remember how the team rallied to support those who were struggling with their fears... I realized that i need to have more trust in those around me."---Chance
-"I haven't gotten this excited over anything for a long time. It helped me to see everyone differently as a person rather than someone I work with. It made me feel closer as a team and also trust each one of them with my fears... I felt that it was extremely meaningful to me personally.---Tauna

Friday, February 8, 2008

Adventures with Aspiro Group!

The Rock Experiences had the honor of serving the Aspiro program, which serves youth and young adults who are struggling with addictive behaviors among other issues. They are extraordinary, and we recommend them highly to any family or individuals who may be looking for an alternative to boot camp, wilderness or RTC program. We found that their program had the highest integrity, and absolute love for each of the youth that attends their program. We find that the youth who attend their program are so powerfully impacted, that they return to Aspiro to work as staff. Here are some of their comments about us and the experience:

-“Iuri and his team did a first class job in working with our families. We had nothing but positive feedback from all participants. We saw many break through experiences take place as families where able to replace past frustrations and problematic interactions with positive support and problem solving. It was a bonding experience for everyone involved”---Justin Robinson, Clinical director of Aspiro

-“Epic! Amazingly awesome! It was an exhilarating experience for the mind, body and soul.” ---Alex

-“This workshop and rappelling experience was profound – it truly altered my perceptions of my child, myself and our relationship. I gained a new level of understanding that can be tapped at will as it can be recalled not just in my mind, but in my entire being.”---Dorie Scherma

-“In this single experience I learned that I can trust my child, I realized unrecognized fears; I received tools for change and I was thrilled with a totally new and exciting challenge. It had an enormous impact and I am very grateful for having been part of it.”---Scherm